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Top 10 films of 2017 (till July)

We have the reached the halfway point in the year and it's time to talk about the best films that have hit the screens up till now. The subjectivity of this list goes without saying but I shall be ranking the films based on how much I enjoyed/appreciated them along with a small summary of my thoughts on each, so here we go;

10. Get Out

At number 10 we have one of this year's most hyped 'horror' films (along with Split, which I haven't seen yet) or dare I say over-hyped. Get Out is a film that is equal parts great and disappointing, a film that fluctuates in quality, however we should cut Jordan Peele (one half of Key & Peele) some slack considering it is his directorial debut. It is still frustrating as a viewer to see so much promise in a film that ultimately lets you down, whether in parts due to the high expectations or the unpolished filmmaking at display. The acting is mostly poor, but the biggest source of annoyance in this film is the completely unnecessary comic relief provided by the airport security dude. The background score is the only thing that is consistently good in the film, where even the cinematography is sometimes excellent but generic for the most part. Yet, in the end Get Out is a good thriller that really gives Guess Who's Coming to Dinner a proverbial middle finger.

9. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 plays a big gamble that doesn't always pay off, it tries to ambush you with emotions that are hard to buy into partly because of the otherwise self aware tone of the franchise but it's still really funny and very entertaining. Props to James Gunn for trying to find that fine balance between maintaining what the fans loved about the first movie while still offering something new but unfortunately he doesn't completely succeed at doing that.

8. Colossal

Wonderful and unusual for the most part, Colossal really is unlike something you've ever seen before. A strange marriage of two genres seemingly miles apart that is done seamlessly up until the third act of the film which I personally found tonally incomprehensible. It's hard to say much about the film without giving anything away so if you haven't read/seen anything about it then I would recommend keeping it that way and let the film surprise you. I would like to say about the director Nacho Vigalondo, that he mirrors the film in the sense that he is kind of like a cross between Noah Baumbach (Frances Ha) and Yorgos Lanthimos (The Lobster), two very different filmmakers who are known to have unique and recognisable sensibilities.

7. The Lego Batman Movie

A must-watch for anyone who loved The Lego Movie, although that kind of goes without saying. The Lego Batman Movie really surpassed my expectations, I wasn't really looking forward to watching this or cared for it when it first came out in cinemas and I do regret that. This is a film which is consistently funny (albeit inferior to it's predecessor) which is more than we can say about most comedies coming out these days.

6. The Beguiled

Had to get cheeky with the poster which was really designed for web posts like this.

Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation) is a filmmaker with a bold voice, she makes uncompromising films that are usually very complex and layered. The Beguiled however, seems to be an exception to that, it is a fairly straightforward film (at least when compared to the rest of Coppola's filmography) about sexual manipulation of seemingly innocent ladies by a man who intends to exploit them. I found myself jealous of Colin Farrell getting all the female attention initially and that turned to wishing I'm never ever in his place. The imagery, and the music by Phoenix is gorgeous but unfortunately that high standard isn't met by the performances and other aspects of the film. The heightened sexual tension throughout is just nerve wracking though.

5. Logan

Logan is a film that proves that superhero films don't need to be a specific way, it is a badass action road movie with dark shades of family drama thrown in. The action is gloriously R-rated and there is a gritty visual feel to the movie that stays with you long after you have watched it. Unfortunately the third act let me down, it doesn't give me a satisfactory climax (although comic book fans may disagree with me here) the angle with the kids seems forced and not as well-done as the initial 2 acts of the film. I had hoped for better from James Mangold (3:10 to Yuma) who I consider to be one of the most unfairly underrated directors working today, although Logan may have changed that. But despite being the second biggest disappointment of the year (behind the appallingly overrated Baby Driver) Logan is still a kick-ass superhero western that deserves praise for it's fresh take on the genre.

4. It Comes at Night

It Comes at Night offers a different take on the traditional house-horror genre, it is a film about the lengths to which desperate people go to in order to survive. A study of human psychology in tough times rather than a conventional horror (still serves up the jump scares mind you), the film embroils you in this feeling of unease and delirium shared by the young man in the family who is 'coming of age' in the strangest of circumstances.

3. T2 Trainspotting

The Bronze medal goes to one of the most anticipated films of the year for me, that did not disappoint at all. T2 is an extremely stylish, low on substance-high on nostalgia film that is directed to visual perfection by Danny Boyle (127 Hours). There isn't much of a plot here and whatever there is, isn't very important. This is the guilty pleasure of the year, an almost sinfully enjoyable film.

2. John Wick: Chapter 2

At the coveted number 2 spot we have something that is an instant entry into the hall of fame of the greatest action films ever made, John Wick: Chapter 2 is as great as popcorn action flicks get. There are spectacularly designed action set pieces, a kickass soundtrack like the first John Wick and the climax sequence is possibly the best I have seen in a long, long time. An absolutely stunning film that provides everything you can hope for from a great action film, dare I call it The Godfather Part II of action films.

*DRUM ROLL* ........ ............. AND THE NUMBER FILM OF THIS SUMMER IS.... ........ ..... ...

1. Spider-Man: Homecoming

In Spider-Man: Homecoming we have found the ultimate summer blockbuster (even though it underperformed at the box-office) a film that is great on so many levels and manages to deliver exactly the kind of high-octane entertainment that is desired from a superhero film, a genre that has been hit and miss recently for studios.

**NOTE: I have yet to watch Dunkirk and Okja**

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